Saturday, March 26, 2016

Follow up

Seh Theh Learning Center

Seh Theh (New Stars) Learning Center (STLC) was established in 2013 aims to empower youth for the greater advancement of their community. STLC dedicated to empowering and building the capacity of young adults to effectively serve for their community. It is located in Deemawso, Kayah State, Myanmar. STLC is a branch school of KnNC and supported by Child’s Dream Foundation.

STLC gives priority in admission to those failed the government matriculation exam and unable to continue their education. STLC offers a two-year program focusing on life skills subjects includes English, Social Sciences, Computer, Civic Education, Community Management, Karenni language, Basic Law and Human Rights. The course also includes field works and two months internship hosted by respective CSOs, NGOs and INGOs. The curricular based on Student-centered and critical thinking.


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