Saturday, March 26, 2016

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Compulsory Subjects
  •        General English including Grammar, Reading, writing, speaking and Listening
  •        Social Studies
  •        Mathematics – 1
  •        Basic Computer Skills (taught at level 2)

Major (student must choose at least one major after second semester of level one)
  •        Community Management Skills (we provide office works, Effective communication, office management, Time management, Project Management)
  •        Academic - (we provide Science , Advanced Mathematics
  •        Computing IT- (Provide Basic to Advanced level of the computing for effectively working in the CBOs.)
Internship Program- we also equip Students internship program to be able to have practical in the work field and Camp Base Organization for three during the final semester of the Level-2)

Optional Subjects
  •      Thai Language
  •        Burmese Language
  •        Karenni Language


How you can help us?
Teaching/learning aids:  We welcome any kind of school supplies such as
books, dictionaries, educational movies, stationary, sport equipments.
Contributions: As we are refugees without much income, we have to rely on outside for our school running cost.  A cent from you will even make a change.  
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like further information.


Child’s Dream updating meeting

The coordinator (Elizabeth Mimar) and the foreign teacher (Andy Grosbois) went to Chiang Mai in the middle of November 2015 to meet with the head higher education Mr. Thomas Brittner. 

STLC school (branch of KnNC school) in Demoso (Karenni state,Myanmar) was the main point of the conversation, in fact Child’s Dream has for objective to build a school there. A plan of the future building has been presented. 

A problem might compromise this project: the legal land-owner certificate is missing. As a result, it will be very difficult to invest in a fancy building there without this certificate. Mrs. Elizabeth has explained that it is very difficult to obtain it. 

Mr. Thomas Brittner has also reminded that with the actual conjuncture and the political situation within Myanmar will certainly become more stable after the 8 November election and that an repatriation will happen, it is difficult for them to continue to find donors that will invest for the education within the camp and has encouraged KnNC to think about the future of the school. 

Follow up

Seh Theh Learning Center

Seh Theh (New Stars) Learning Center (STLC) was established in 2013 aims to empower youth for the greater advancement of their community. STLC dedicated to empowering and building the capacity of young adults to effectively serve for their community. It is located in Deemawso, Kayah State, Myanmar. STLC is a branch school of KnNC and supported by Child’s Dream Foundation.

STLC gives priority in admission to those failed the government matriculation exam and unable to continue their education. STLC offers a two-year program focusing on life skills subjects includes English, Social Sciences, Computer, Civic Education, Community Management, Karenni language, Basic Law and Human Rights. The course also includes field works and two months internship hosted by respective CSOs, NGOs and INGOs. The curricular based on Student-centered and critical thinking.

Students stories

Peter Paul

I am Peter Paul. I am 20 years old. I come from Demawso in Karenni state. 
I have left my homeland in 2013 and moved to the Karenni refugee camp (1) in 1999 Thailand due to my education.

When I was at home, my parents couldn’t support my education because we are a lot of people in my family. The education in Myanmar costs a lot of money. Economy and livelihood are also bad there and most of the population suffered from lack of education and job.
I’m being lucky because I have had the chance to get a good education within the camp. Today I am studying at KnNC second year (academic class) and I am proud to learn here.
When I’ll finish high school I will go to further study and apply to Chiang Mai university. I will try my best in order to be useful within my community. Studying hard it’s my only priority and I would like to tell you that you never have to forget that you are the best and you must try hard to realize your dreams.

Htwar Reh

I am Htwar Reh(Poe), I’m from Karenni State, Shan Daw, Daw Kraw Aw village,  and I am nineteen years old. I have been living in Karenni Refugee Camp (1) since1996.

I came to Thailand in order to get a good and free education. In Burma if you want to attend school you have to pay a lot of money therefore, my parents could not pay.
Fortunately, now, I am a KnNC student second year. Today, I am extremely happy. In the future, I am going to try my best to carry on my education. After that, I plan to return to my homeland and help my community.

“Never give up and try hard and everything will be possible”


Website Training

A guest trainer will help IT class in developing website during January. All students are very exciting to learn other skills that will become useful for their personal development and future career.

KnNC Website

Mr Preh Reh (previous KnNC principal) that has been resettled to Canada will create, update, maintain and pay a new website for KnNC with Mr Bue Lue (from USA). Thanks for your Kindness and hard work.  


Community Management class have begun their internship the 11th of January until mid-March.
They will work and learn within different organizations which are active in the camp. Moreover 2 students will come back to Karenni state for their internship.

The internship will definitely give them an experience which will shape their skills and knowledges that are crucial in community management. 

Student activities

KnED meeting
At the beginning of December, the Karenni Educational Department and KnNC coordinator have convened. The main point of this meeting was to set up the educational policy for the overall of Karenni refugee education.  
At the end of the meeting the draft of the educational policy was done. It is the first time that the Karenni refugee education has set up an education policy.  
The plan will include the overall education system: early childhood education, basic education (grade 1 to 10), special education and finally the higher education (post grade 10). If a future repatriation will happen, the main actors of this workshop have discussed what they need to prepare in advance and what they need to plan.

KnNC intramural games

Intramural games has taken place from 15th to 18th December in KnNC school section #18.  
All KnCC students were divided into 4 teams (yellow, red, green and blue) in two sections and have played different sports: volleyball, Cane ball and badminton as well as cognitive games. 
During the night time, all the students have presented different representations and shows such as talent show, fashion show, singing competition, and group dance competition. All the groups did an excellent work and the public was amazed. 
A fundraising project has been set up by the students during the day. The students have sold different kind of food (papaya salad, cold drinks) 


Current Foreigner

Dear readers, I am Andy Grosbois. I’m 25 years old and I’m from Angers, France. I live in Thailand since 2013. 

In June 2015 I have integrated KnNC as an English teacher and I am very proud to be a part of this community and to share each instant of my life with my students. I have been teaching since 2013 in Thailand. I have taught in primary school nearly a year within a Karen village close to Khun Yuam District, Thailand.
I have always wanted to learn more about the refugee situation and background and have tried hard to teach within one of the refugee camp (Mae Surin, Camp 2) without success. I have found KnNC after long research and today I can say that it is one of the best things that have happened in my life. Never give up and trust to yourself, the destiny will do the rest.


Funder background

Elizabeth Mimar was born on the Thai-Myanmar border. Mimar finished her post high school in the refugee camp, in 1997.

She then chose to work. Mimar was offered a job with some International Organizations. This alternative way not only helps to support her family but also enable her to gain invaluable experiences and benefit to her community. She was a co-founder of Karenni Student Union in 2000 and was continuously elected as a chair person for two terms (6 years). In 2003, as a leader of the student union, she managed to establish a school called “Karenni Leadership and Management Course” based in Karenni refugee camp -1. Mimar chose to help in education since she realized it is the foundation of human development. She served as a teacher at Karenni Post Ten (Art and Sciences) where she used to studied and Karenni Leadership and Management which was founded under her leadership at KSU. Mimar had to divide her time to teach at two schools due to serious teacher shortage which caused a lot of challenges. As a result, in 2011, these two schools were combined and Mimar was appointed to be a Coordinator. In 2013, she established a school named Seh Theh Learning Center located in Karenni state, Myanmar. In 2014, she was appointed with another position, Deputy Director of Karenni Education Department to responsible for other education related activities. Mimar never give up for her own education as she is currently studying online at an Australia university.


Background of KnNC

KnCC was officially established on 24th June 2011 by merging KnPT and KLMC.  KnCC aims at preparing the students to be efficient in various professions and also equipping those who wish to continue their study with proficiency in English. 

The Karenni Post Ten School (KnPT) was established by Karenni Education Department – KnED in 1995 with the aim of upgrading English language skills of Karenni high school graduates. But, since then, its curriculum has been modified in line with the adjusted objectives to satisfy the growing needs of the community due to its increasing student population. KnPT graduates have been serving their community on every corner of it.  

The Burma Program Education Office (BPEO) and the British embassy in Bangkok jointly funded the school in 1997. But BPEO was the program’s sole funder from 1998 up until 2006. In 2007 and 2008, Thabyay Education Network and WEAVE jointly funded the program. In 2009, Canadian Embassy Fund, and in 2010 Child’s Dream. However, later years saw inadequate education opportunities for Karenni high school graduates, in terms of intake and learning areas.  

Therefore, in 2003, Karenni Leadership and Management Course – KLMC was set up by Karenni Students Union with the aim of training high school graduates with community management and leadership skills in order for them to be able to serve their community in CBOs, upon completion of the course. This program was first financially supported by a catholic foundation from Australia. But, from 2005 onward still 2010, Karenni Student Development Program – KSDP was the principal funder of the program.  

After 2007, despite large-scale resettlement, there is still a steady need or demand for post ten education because new arrivals are filling in the place of leaving refugees. However, the schools are facing staff shortage because of resettlement impact and discontinuity of financial support of their previous funders because of many constraints. Therefore, in order to sustain their functioning, KnPT and KLMC have been merged, in the hope that available resources will be utilized while lifting their standard of service.

In the beginning of January 2016, we have decided to change KnCC’s name to KnNC for multiple reasons. We want the school to become a national school instead of a community school in the aim of being integrated within the Burmese education. The recognition of our education by the government is also primordial. Finally promoting and preserving our literature, language and our culture to ensure our future

KnNC Vision

KnCC   KnNC seeks to be an avenue of development to produce   empowered students for the greater advancement of their community. 

KnNC Mission

KnNC exists to nurture students academically, socially, and spiritually; enabling them to become responsible and disciplined adults, through challenging and energetic education program whereby the students will discover and develop their own potential and equipped with the knowledge, skills, and character needed to serve their community towards a sustainably-developed society.